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Root, Rise, Soar
Exclusive soulwork mentorship aligned with the catalytic power of equinoxes and solstices to alchemize your embodied healing and evolution.

For Vocational Women on
Their Soul’s Path
This is for you if:
- You identify as a creative spirit, passionate, wild, and wanting to lead an expansive life aligned with what you love.
- You desire the support of a strongly held and creative container to alchemize inner and outer life. You can taste a wider vision of your impact and authentic expression and you can sense in your bones that now is the time.
- You’re hungry to embody more of your truth and know that transformation beyond limitation and rupture requires devotion and ritual to create regenerative change you’ll carry forth like a legacy in your cells.
- You want a teacher who can hold your dynamic fullness and open the doorways of the mind, body, heart, and soul to your next evolution.
- You’re seeking integration of a relationship to structure that is beyond convention, rooted in a deep-ecological sensibility – a connection with the earth’s seasons, the sun’s cycles, the moon’s rhythms, and your own unique menstrual-sexual-psychic being and becoming.

Potent Thresholds
of Change
Let me let you in on a power secret:
How to bring desires into form isn’t a mystery. For the ancients, mystery meant to enter into sacred time and space; working deeply held attention through ritual designed to manifest not just a desired outcome, but moreover the becoming of mind/body/heart/soul energetic states that can hold and live that desire. The seasonal equinoxes and solstices are ready thresholds to assist your expanded capacity to live your desire.

Seasonal Alchemy
Seasonal Alchemy shows vocational women how to own their desires and transform into their next evolution. It’s a bold response to the woman who dares to shed the complex impact of patriarchy and reclaim her embodied agency to become the Creatrix of her life – to embrace her brilliance, pleasure, and purpose, rooted in her supernatural capacity to evolve through cycles of her own becoming.
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What you’ve been longing for
Have you reached a limit with open-ended therapy, coaching, and thinly integrated occasional retreat experiences?
Yet, sense the deep necessity for something to help you alchemize your fear, doubt, grief, or rage in a strongly held container that keeps the energy pressurized enough for you to feel safely held to undergo the releasing of what no longer wants to be, so that you can become what is beckoning you forth? This is the right to sacred, dynamic, creative, embodied, grounded rites of passage that you long for; this is a part of our soul’s inheritance of splendor longing to be remembered.

There is a way to not only “do the work,” but also learn how to live as an unfolding holy work of art in the world.
Discover what it’s like to center living alchemically.
The Seasonal Alchemy Experience

Enter the work with pre-Quarter Day guided reflection to clearly vivify your desire. Roxanne will tailor an initiatory Quarter Day ceremony to ground your intentions and set into motion your unique alchemical work of the season. You’ll be provided with access to the Sacred Ceremony Portal with a workbook and recorded content to support you between 1:1 mentorship calls and Voxer check-ins during integration weeks.
As you move through this evolutionary container, the stuck places begin to loosen. Old patterns begin to crack open, but don’t worry. This is where the light gets in. Embracing every part of who you’ve been becomes an alchemical process in which your true self can emerge. This is a no-fluff approach. Roxanne has designed these seasonal alchemical vessels to build strong bonds between breakthrough and luminous living.
From start to ceremonial completion, you’ll be supported by nearly two decades of depth psychological practice, ritual rooted in holistic wisdom traditions, alchemical arts-based healing tools, embodied practice, and Roxanne’s exclusive blend of transformative healing and empowerment teaching to make manifest your next becoming.
The ancient alchemists believed that we create a new body – they called it the diamond body – as we do this radically transformative work. Today, we might call it an expanded nervous system; a bodysoul experience evolved beyond certain cultural and ancestral conditioning that is more connected to what truly nourishes the heart. Move from doubt, through courage, to empowered love as you expand your threshold for greatness.

Frequently asked Questions
What specifically do women come into Seasonal Alchemy to transform?
Great Question! Some examples are:
- A desire for clarity and a way to transition in their creative work/purpose/vocation/career/lifestyle.
- A desire to alchemize a loss, such as a miscarriage, ending of a relationship, death, illness/surgery, or experience of soul loss and emerge whole.
- A desire to evolve from one way of being to another such as a major life transition, sexual or gender identity transformation, divorce, gestation to postpartum personhood, or a full spectrum transformation to their orientation and way of life.
- A desire to deepen into sacred practices (spiritual, cyclical, tantric, intuitive, creative) and undergo an alchemical process of revelation.
How do I know which Alchemical Vessel to apply for?
Take a moment to free-write about what you want for this work. Read it aloud to yourself, and get a sense of these desires in your body. Then go and read the descriptions of the three vessels and notice where that desire in your body feels best held. Take your decision making from there.
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